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School Age

*Our JK/SK and School Age children are combined in the gymnasium for the school year. The program is titled School Age, and the program is capped at 26 children*

Our JK/SK program is a program run before and after school, as well as PD Days, Christmas Holidays, March Break and Summer.


We provide a safe and comfortable atmosphere where after a long day at school the children have a place to relax and have some fun.


We provide a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for the children.


The children have fun playing in shaving cream and making different designs or pictures. They also love to play balloon tennis and all you need is fly swatters and a balloon.

Kids Club is a lively group of children between the ages of 6 and 12. It is a school age group with very diverse interests and a wide range of skills.


We try to include as many of the interests of the group as possible and incorporate activities that are suitable for a wide range of skill levels to keep all of the children involved.


We offer large and small group activities and a variety of individual activities for the children to choose each day.Our daily program includes both indoor and outdoor activities with a nutritious snack offered.


We also offer full day programs for PD Days, Christmas Holidays, March Break, and Summer holidays.

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